Typically, small enterprises have the following feature: 

1. Limited resources: Small businesses have few financial, human, technological, and other resources at their disposal. 

2. Fewer staff: Small businesses typically have fewer staff members than larger companies, which forces staff members to frequently assume multiple roles and responsibilities. 

3. Flexibility: Due to their ability to react quickly to changes in the market or customer demands, small businesses are frequently more adaptable and flexible than larger companies. 

4. Local focus: Small businesses frequently have a local focus and cater to a particular neighbourhood or area. 

5. Entrepreneurial spirit: Small businesses are frequently founded by business owners who are passionate about the goods or services they offer and are ready to take calculated risks in order to see their venture through to success. 

6. Personalized service: Providing personalised service and fostering relationships with customers are common practises for small businesses, which can give them a competitive edge. 

7. Simple organisational structure: Decision-making is often quicker and more effective in small businesses because of their often-simple organisational structures and lower number of management levels. 

8. Limited selection of goods or services available: In comparison to bigger companies, small businesses typically offer a smaller selection of goods or services. 

9. Tight-knit team: To ensure the success of the company, small businesses are frequently managed by a tight-knit team.